Rocket Launcher (Default Key: "6", "Q") - Fires an accurate missile that deals great explosive damage at direct hits (with bonus damage to anyone else near its blast radius).Can be used, in a limited fashion, to propel the player upwards (sacrificing health for a large jump). Each projectile is a timed explosive (with a small blast radius) that can explode on impact with another player and can stick onto surfaces. Tri-Bolt (Default Key: "5") - Triple-barreled burst-fire micro- grenade launcher.

One of the three selectable starting weapons, players can find an upgraded version (the Super Nailgun) as a pickup (either replacing the Nailgun or adding it to the inventory). While the weapon itself is slower to fire than the Machinegun and requires leading onto targets, each projectile explodes on impact (dealing more damage in a very short radius).

In the base game, players have the option to choose from one of three starting weapons (Machinegun, Shotgun, and Nailgun) to spawn with. The game includes a total of 11 usable weapons, all of which have customizable appearances (with unlockable weapon shaders and skins, many of which are based on weapons from earlier id games). The game received numerous changes since its original pre-release, including a brand new soundtrack (by Andrew Hulshult), new content (including maps, characters, and game modes), and a new rewards system (replacing the "backpack" system with linear Champion-specific progression and an optional, seasonal paid "battle pass"). Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Doom Slayer from the 2016 remake of Doom. Similar to Quake III Arena, the game features characters from other id games, including B.J.

In addition to numerous gameplay changes (such as the starter weapon and base health/armor systems), each of the game's playable characters are unique and boast their own unique attributes and special abilities. The game was pre-released in pay-to-play Steam Early Access form since August 22, 2017, and was made free-to-play on August 10, 2018.Īn arena-based spin-off of the Quake series, Quake Champions combines the classic arena-style gameplay of Quake III Arena with the dark fantasy setting of the original Quake. Quake Champions is an upcoming free-to-play multiplayer-focused sci-fi fantasy first-person shooter in development by id (in conjunction with Saber), and will be published by Bethesda for the PC.