Sirrus was enchanted by the lifestyle of the pirates and their luxury and he helped them upgrade some of their technologies with knowledge he had from hs father. Sirrus saw an opportunity, and had a proposition for him, in exchange for safe passage through their waters, knowing that this would give themselves freedom away from their father. They were taken before the Ebony Cardinal, who seemed interested to hear that the captives were the sons of his enemy, the Atrus. Eventually, the Black Ships found the brothers and confiscated their boat. He threw to the sea his father's journal which Achenar was reading. Sirrus started to feel much pressed by their father and, ignoring his warnings and instructions, decided to sail away from the Fortress, towards the Black Ships territory to escape. The boys were working on small projects of their own on the south island where most of the materials were stored. With 4 of the healthiest survivors of Mechanical, they built a fortress. After much experimenting with the crystal shapes, a nearly perfect view of an Age appeared, and the brothers were excited that they could see Channelwood or Stoneship. After the shaft and an observation post were completed Sirrus was consumed with studying the crystals of and the Ages inside of the book that appeared. Sirrus enjoyed the cold and ice and was intrigued with the crystals they brought. To his excitement, Atrus brought Sirrus to Rime to help with the Crystal Viewer. Sirrus helped Atrus with the Mazerunner in Selenitic. The brothers were made enthusiastic by their experiences and asked to return again, or explore some other Ages alone. When Atrus returned, he said that their old friend Pran had died, and he and their mother suggested that they should leave for a while. During the following 3 days, the brothers constructed a boat with the creatures and explored the surrounding waters. When Atrus had to leave for Osmoian, Sirrus insisted to let them stay Atrus reluctantly consented, with the warning not to take advantage of the respect the creatures had for them. Their biggest adventure was in Channelwood where they socialized with the Tree-dwellers, and picked their language fast. He considered teaching them The Art and to that end he wrote the Lesson Ages to experience its principles and employed Saavedro to teach them the principles of interdependence in Narayan. They had been to Serenia as well as Everdunes where they met Pran and her people. Early explorations Ītrus took the brothers to the Ages he had written. Sirrus must have seen this as rejection, but his pride didn't let it show. Atrus buried himself in work, spending less and less time with his sons, while Catherine was too consummed by sorrow to see that her sons needed her most. When Sirrus was just 8 years old, Anna died accidentally. Their father viewed his sons as the future of D'ni and paid much attention to their education. Sirrus was younger than Achenar by 2 years.