Try their septic and well online records retrieval tool (Vernon municipal code is 1922). Homes similar to 122 Glen Rd are listed between 149K to 599K at an average of 165 per square foot. The Highland Lakes master plan indicates that it is very important that homes be.

Looking for septic and well records? Records may only be obtained through the Sussex County Health Department at 973.579.0370. The zoning map comprised of three pages as follows: page 1, entitled. Go to our SDL Portal and set up your account. You can search properties for open and closed permits and schedule inspections online. coordinates the activities of the subcode officials.reviews construction permit applications.Supervised by a state-licensed construction official, Paul Black, this division: The UCC is the state’s approved building, plumbing, electrical, fire and mechanical subcodes. Commonly referred to as the building department, it enforces and administers the regulations of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (UCC). The Vernon Township Division of Building is within the Vernon Township Department of Planning and Development. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE POSTED SO THAT ITS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. HAVE ALL DOCUMENTS READY AND AVAILABLE FOR THE INSPECTORS.Ĥ. Projects that should start with a phone call include house additions, fencing, patio covers, decks, storage sheds, gazebos, trellises, and swimming pools and spas deeper than two feet.

KEEP ALL PETS IN A SEPARATE ROOM WHILE INSPECTIONS TAKE PLACE.Ģ. Township Planner: Tim Korosei Zoning Inspector: Andy Rice A variety of home and garden projects require a permit or must adhere to zoning requirements. Presently, 30 out of 48 (63%) municipalities in Mercer County have zoning.1. Overview Property details Sale & tax history Schools OPEN SUN, 1PM TO 4PM Street View FOR SALE - ACTIVE 122 Glen Rd, Vernon Twp., NJ 07422-1909 225,000 Est. To protect and enhance the value of land.īelow is a list of municipalities in Mercer County that have locally adopted Zoning ordinances. referred to in Section 150.103 of the Belvidere Zoning Code.To establish reasonable standards to which buildings and development shall conform.To facilitate the adequate provision of housing, commercial and industrial development, transportation, water, sewer, schools, parks and other public requirements.To avoid undue congestion of population.Generate Reports & Mailing Labels - Maps Include: Tax, Zoning, Flood, Aerial, GIS, and more Like Monmouth County Tax Board Tax Records. To secure safety from fire, disaster, panic, pollution hazards and other dangers NJ Property Tax Records Search Search - NJ Tax Maps, Property Records, Ownership & Assessment Data, Real Estate Info, Sales History, Comparable Properties.To lessen congestion and promote public safety and convenience on roads and highways.To discourage the intermixture of incompatible land uses and, where such intermixture may be beneficial or where zoning district boundaries present transitions between incompatible uses, to control impacts of incompatible uses.To promote coordinated, orderly, harmonious and practical community development.